Friday, May 27, 2011

Project Live: Days 17- 24

May 21, 2011

 Homemade Corndogs :) I know they look gross, but they were delish! Geez, these things are hard to make!

May 22, 2011

This is a new workout plan that I started! Pray that I don't give up this time! (disregard above fried food)

May 23, 2011

I forgot to take a picture for this day, so here's one of my favorite pics of my sisters :)

May 24, 2011

Late night pic cause I had almost forgot!!!!! :P I made dinner on this day-- pork chops, mashed potatoes, and roasted corn! Thanks to Jodi Michelle!!!!      :-) 

May 25, 2011

Some of my crazy dears from Sunset at church on Wednesday! Cannot wait for interning!

May 26, 2011

Took the girls to Chikfila for breakfast. They played in the play room :)

Got my HelloSomebody watch in the mail! Woohoo!

I was reading a book in a chair next to Ana, and barely heard her say something about a "frozen game." I look up a few seconds later to find her in frozen in this pose. Could not stop laughing!!!! (Cate's "statue" game, perhaps!)

May 27, 2011

 Fam got to talk to Jonathan on skype :-)

One of the prettiest cats I've ever seen! Picture doesn't do her justice!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


So it's confession time.....

Guys, I hardly ever read the bible. I basically read it when I go to church, then I go home and put it away. I've known for the longest time that this was really bad. That I needed to read and study The Word if I was going to grow at all. I pray and talk about Jesus a lot, but I don't read. So how can I expect to be learning more about Jesus? I know, that I would understand more about living for Jesus if I would read more. I know, I wouldn't be so confused and worried all the time, if I was reading about God's faithfulness every day. Before now, I've always said that it was hard to read because I got distracted easily and I had other things to do, and, frankly, it could be boring at times. But, this Sunday, we were reading Psalm 32 for the sermon, and I just couldn't get over how beautiful it was. Feelings of gratitude and joy at the words that I was reading overwhelmed me. I wondered to myself, "Why am I not doing this more often?!" I know I was having those feelings because God caused me to. He was right there, showing me his greatness. Why wouldn't I do all I can to constantly feel that? Why would I choose not to think of His greatness, His faithfulness, His kindness, His sacrifice? Gots to get on this....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Cool Words :)

aforementioned, surreal, phenomenon, nifty, chivalrous, spacial, nevertheless, vivacious, didactic, nonsense, unbeknowest, frivolous, perhaps, ostracize, karma, pulchritudinous (= Jenn's face!*), onomatopoiea, galactic, facism! :)

*my friend, Jenn Strange, and I had fun with the word "pulchritudinous" one day. But she probably won't read this so..... Yay! for pointless inside jokes :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Project Live: Days 13-16

May 17, 2011

{our early birthday celebration (June 2nd & 3rd)}

May 18, 2011

{cutie pie from Sunset, Alexis :)}

May 19, 2011

(cinnamon rolls i baked for the fam)

May 20, 2011

(mom's jewelry for sale in the garage sale we had today)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Feelings... Who needs 'em?

You’ve probably heard, “It’s better to hurt, than to feel nothing at all,” or at least some variation of that. But, I’m wondering if it really is better. You see, I usually try to be “in-touch” with my feelings. If I’m happy, I’m happy. If I’m depressed, I’m depressed. I feel it out until I get to the next feeling, until my insides move on. But if someone asked me how I’m feeling right now, I’d say….. nothing. I’ve gone through a whirlwind of emotions over the last few months, but now, it seems like they’re over. It’s like, I’m tired, run-down. Like it’s not worth it to feel anymore. Maybe feeling takes too much work. Maybe it is better to feel nothing at all. Or maybe I’ve finally met a problem that wasn’t as easily solved as all the rest. It seems I must deal with whole new levels of maturity and adulthood. And my mind would like a break because it’s about to explode. Emotion overload perhaps.

April Palmer (a cool lady at my church) and I got to have a pretty good conversation the other day. We talked of my life really. College, scholarships, rommates, classes, musical instruments. We didn’t go so deep (since we don’t know each other too well, and we didn’t have that much time), but I found myself so joyous because of our conversation. It wasn’t that I was the main point of the conversation, but that I was having a conversation with someone that I didn’t know very well. That we were getting to know each other, and it was easy! She was interested in my life, and she had several stories to tell that related to my present situation in life. It was such great fun that I still cant stop thinking about it.

So, I suppose I’m not emotionless. Maybe just stronger (even). Stronger because I can choose when to feel and when not to. I can choose what’s worth thinking about, and what’s not. That could come back to bite me. Or it could be something like this… “

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

Happiness is a hard concept to understand. I believe that I am not called, or entitled to, a life of happiness by the world’s standards. But, happiness, is also relative. If you are a Christian, then Jesus IS your happiness. So, in that case, I AM called to a life of happiness, because I AM called to live a life for Him. Jesus is my happiness, my life, my everything.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Project Live: Days 9-12

Failed again for Friday and Saturday (May, 13 and May 14)! I can't remember what happened on Friday, so I'll put a picture from My friend Ivy Brightwell's photography gallery. My friend Ivy is an incredible photographer. This is a picture from her self-portrait album for school:

May, 13 2011

 Beautiful person inside and out and so much talent!!!! Love :)

And, Saturday, my brother and sisters randomly decided to go skating. We wanted to have fun and we did. It was great! However, I was too caught up in the moment to remember to take a pic. So, here's a pic of some people skating.

May 14, 2011

Just imagine these people laughing as they skate at a snail's pace because they keep falling over each other.... then you've got us! :) Great fun!

May 15, 2011

(goofin of while we were cleanin the office) 

(my brother's girlfriend. Cutest thing ever)

 (took a pic of herself)

(leaving dozens of voicemails on our home phone for my dad hahahaha. Fun stuff man)

May 16. 2011

(showin me her piggy at Nina's softball game. Mom's fingers shadow on her face haha) 

(hoppin on one foot for a game hehe)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Call Me

Call me a best friend.
I'll buy you gifts.
I'll hear you cry.

Call me a sister.
I'lll hold your hand.
I'll tell you no.

Call me a missionary
I'll sail the seas.
I'll shower love.

Call me a daughter.
I'll learn to listen.
I'll make you proud.

Call me your love.
I'll bat my eyes.
I'll watch you go.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Project Live: Day 8

May, 12, 2011

So, I totally forgot to take a picture yesterday. I feel so horrible about it. I did enjoy life yesterday tho! So, I'll put one of my favorite pics from the web in honor of a good day yesterday! Here, it is.........

This is from the Jordan Matters Photography website. There's a gallery there that's called "Dancers Among Us" where there are many more fantastic pictures like this. Be sure to check these rad pictures out! You'll be amazed at what you find!

P.S. I think my favorite part of this picture may be that the purse matches the dumpster. I don't know, it's just so cool.

Wordpress :)

So, while Blogspot was being dumb, I created a Wordpress [which goes to show how impatient I (representing society) can be]. My domain name is I'll be putting new people and situations in a prayer list on wordpress (possible thru it's nifty features). But, I'll still be here! I've got a Project to finish anyhow! So, stay with me! But, be sure and check me out at wordpress if you have any time! Thanks guys :) Y'all really are a blessing!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Project Live: Days 4-7

May 8, 2011

The girls finally getting to play the sorely missed 2-hand touch football with their big brother :)


                                                                      (nina always posing)      

(devising the next secret play)

(i just love how this picture turned out. The way everything is blurred, but her, is amazing to me! High- five phone camera!)

May 9, 2011

                 Me, forgetting to take a picture till the exciting world was already asleep. Haha, oh well :)

May 10, 2011

(patting the bed for me to sit and read with her) Oh lovely life :-)

Reading with Ana. Really, any time spent with this sister of mine is a sure treat. She cracks me up, that one!

May 11, 2011

All the ingredients needed for the wonderful shake my brother made me this morning. Y do I ever complain?


I felt like a stranger at church today. It was so sad. I come home all the time, but I feel like I haven't been able to talk or fellowship with anyone. Now, I'm home for the summer. I'm interning, so I won't be a stranger for long. It sounds like we're going to be doing a lot more this summer. That's exciting! I'd much rather spend all my time at the church and with those kids, than at the second job I was considering getting.

It's not about money for me. But, I will admit, I'm a worrier. It's hard to trust God with all this uncertainty. Uncertainty and spontaneity is fun for some people, but it just makes me anxious. It makes me stress way too much. I have all these wants and desires for my life. I know all the churchy, Bible answers concerning those. But, sometimes, I wonder if it really is ok for me to have desires. Desires to have my own place to live, desires to teach full-time at a low-priveleged school, desires to travel the world, desires to have many many children, desires to get married, desires to stay in Shreveport forever.... I am content in whatever God's will is for me. But does that mean that I'm supposed to forget about everything that I want. Is everything that I want selfish and wrong, just because it came up in my mind as something that I want? Am I supposed to be looking for a nobler, martyr life? Or am I not supposed to be looking at all? I just want to know if it's ok for me to want things. If it's alright to think things are important, not more important that Jesus, just important.

If I was a good, educated writer, then I would be able to structure my writing bits better. But, I suppose writing with the flow of my mind is ok. I think all this questioning of myself is annoying. Ugh...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Project Live: Days 1-3

May 5, 2011

Packin everything up feels weird, but with every box filled, my excitement for summer, and the next step in my life, is growing!!! Gosh, it feels great :)

May 6, 2011

 Me and my best buddy, Tajh, walkin after last lunch together before summer vacation!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful summer :)

May 7, 2011

 Me and my bubba havin fun with the camera after not seeing each other FOR FOREVER!!!!!! So so so happy he's home!!!!!!!

Then, him and his hardcore nerf gun toys.

Ok, so I know how I said one picture for each day. But, I have a feeling that some days will be like today where I just can't get enough of life :-)
Love you!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sad Song for Sad Times

Verse 1:

The lights around the room are slowly burning me
The power of the silence sinking in
The darkness that I feel is slowly killing me
That water that you pour is steady poinsoning


I feel your arms, but then they're gone.
Just when I feel safe, that's when I fall.
Don't you hear my call?
No, you dont need me at all

Verse 2:

The colors of Spring are suddenly lost on me
The coldness inside, is all too real
I wonder if I'll ever come again to see
The beauty of the world, and start again to feel

I feel your arms, but they they're gone.
Just when I feel safe, that's when I fall.
Don't you hear my call?
No, you dont need me at all.


But I'll look back one day,
And realize, happily,
that I am finally free.
Finally free.

-Rachel Zytkoskee
*sad song for sad times (month or so ago), but, fortunately, Jesus for all times!!!! :]

It's All Beautiful Cuz O' Him! :)

There's a low male voice singing in the hallway of my building, and it reminds me of my dad. My dad sings random songs at random moments. Sometimes they're real songs, but most of the time they're one-liner songs that he made up. The most recurring, famous one-liner he sings while doing things like loading the dishwasher, and to one in particular.... "Daddy's so cool, Daddy's so cool, Daddy's so cool, He's so you." He also likes to destroy well-known songs like, "I just want to be a one-man band" or "All By Myself" in a loud, powerful (and i mean powerful), opera voice. Which brings on the, surely-asking for, eye-rolls from the family, and the usual quick, sarcastic jab from my mother like "Oh please, go be all by yourself".... We are all so different at home... Haha.

Whilst reminiscing, I am packing up my room here, thinking, reading blogs, and planning for the future. I keep having to remind myself that my first year of college is over. I keep not wanting to think about it, because it feels so dang weird. I guess when I was younger, I never thought about this part of my life. I always thought of the people in college as these independent, happy, free adults. I still feel like a twelve year old. There are many reason I could go into for that, but I don't need to. I guess it just feels strange to be considered "grown (if you ask the kids in our church neighborhood)." And yea, that's another thing I'm thinking about! I cannot wait to start interning for the summer!!! It's always the most rewarding time of the year, because I can't help but think about other people. Im able to forget all my "troubles." :)

I'm also planning for the future, which, in the past, hasn't been a good thing for me to take part in. Planning for the future before now has always come with a side affect of worrying and anxiety. Not right now tho! Right now, I'm living with this lovely peace from Jesus because I'm content in everything right now. I'm not trying to change what He has for me. I'm not trying to make my own life-plan. I'm just going with the flow, living in the present, praying about the future! It really is wonderful! And to help me live in the present more, I've decided that it would be a good idea for me to take a picture for every day. A picture of something happy, something interesting, something fun, whatever! It will just help me focus on the moment, and the beauty of the life I've been given! They will just be little phone pictures, until I can get hold of a better camera. But, hey! It's something! Can't wait to start!

Anyways, that's all for now, folks! Grace and peace, y'all, fo real!!! :)