It's not fair that it's only ok for psychology majors to try to disect the human mind & their behaviour. ( yay for European spellings!)
Ah yes. I knew you'd come back.
On a side note, I've decided that the negative language I reserve for when I refer to myself needs to stop. I'm learning about how I need to value myself. I've been realizing how devalued I have been by several people. So I've been trying to be more confident and happy with who I am. But, I know it's just a waste of time, if I just keep letting these words of mine slide. I can't keep looking at myself in the mirror with hate. I can't keep insulting myself on the inside when I feel like I said something dumb. I'm demanding that others respect me, but it's not fair unless I ask the same of myself. My oboe teacher calls her office the No-Negative Zone for me during lessons. (I have a bad habit of calling myself stupid, or getting really angry when I can't play something right.) I think everywhere should be that for me. No, I'm not going to be some annoyingly, peppy, positive person all the time. But for now, I've gotta have over-the-top confidence in every area.
Two more side notes, then you can go:
I did Zumba dance yesterday, and IT WAS AMAZING!!! and I'm doing yoga on Saturday, which should be equally healthy and good for me :) Yay!
I got my refund check this weekend. Yay! But then I lost my wallet. So now I have a bunch of money in the bank that I can't get to. Yessss....
You is smart. You is smart. You is important.
You is too cute for words.