Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Summer Time

It is summer time!

My brother and I started this 10 day all fruit and vegetables diet on Monday. And guys, it has been haaaarrrrd!! (it's only Wednesday) So I started thinking about other options for our diet. I thought of going vegan to be able to add some things. But I researched some vegan meals and they were filled with ingredients I'd never heard of and $$$... Sooo, that was out. Now, I'm looking at a more vegetarian diet (with the inclusion of eggs--but we'll talk about that later). So we (at least, I) are/am having fruits and veggies all day, then a healthy, homecooked meal for an early dinner.

So today, I was literally RUNNING in and out the door all day, so I only had a few blueberries and an apple, before my early dinner (not so good). But! I was so productive! I went to a Zumba class this morning at 9:30. I bought fresh herbs, herb seeds, and a couple pots, came home and planted everything, then bought ingredients for healthy meals at Walmart. Then went to my call-back interview at Pieworks, and got the job!! (i start training next week!).

So! When I finally started driving home for real, I started actually feeling hungry. I passed sooo many fast food places.... but, I was dilligent and excited about the ingredients sitting at home for me :)

So tonight I made a Greek Tortellini Salad - minus the Tortellini cuz I couldn't find it :P so it's stupidly simple. But I'm discovering how wonderful simple flavors are(b/c of the whole "only fruit and vegetables" thing. Taste-buds are losing their need for rich, fatty, salty overloads, and appreciating simple, fresh things).

I used this recipe. It includes these ingredients:
Salad :
Red onion

red wine vinegar
lemon juice
oregano flakes
fresh parsley

Now, Rachel doesn't always follow the rules. So here are the ingredients I added or subtracted :

-red onion
+grape tomato
+more salt in vinaigrette
+salt and pepper on actual salad
+fried egg

Which brings me to my newfound obsession. The EGG. Fried, poached, scrambled, sunny side-up. It. doesn't. matter. Rachel. is. happy.

Also, I've been working out with Jonathan everyday. Mostly getting toned, since I'll lose weight with this diet thingy. Except cardio today with Zumba. Anyway, it's awesome :)

Thank you.

P.S. I think this is the last time I'll change the layout.... I don't know, I kinda like this whiplash.