Saturday, May 22, 2010

On to the next...

So I graduated from highschool today. I have mixed emotions when I think about being finished with highschool completely. I'm happy to get out of highschool with it's drama and immaturity. But I'm also kinda sad to leave that behind. It's not that I really like the drama and the stupid people. But that's all very familiar to me. You see, I'm not too big on change. But I've been to two graduations today and thats the favorite word of the day. I realize that I can't just sit around and be a bum for the rest of my life. That's not what I want to do anyway. But sometimes, I wish the expectations weren't so high. It's so easy to fail when your expectations are so high. They all say, "I just want you to do your best." But thats not all they want. They want me to excel and be better than other people. To acheive something great that they can brag about. (I'm not exactly sure who "they" is, but I have a good idea). Well, I want to do my best. But I want to be happy. And, unfortunately, for them, what I love most is not the great acheivement that they're hoping for. What I want to do seems mediocre to them. But I dont think so. What I feel led to is so important to me! I dont feel like its so insignificant. Even though, I wont make much money, I'll be very happy. Is that what really matters? I think so. If I'm persevering in the work that I believe God is calling me to, I dont think I need to be doing anything else. God has given me an interest in a certain area and it may not be the greatest job. But I feel like what I want to do is so important. I really dont believe that it's "taking the easy way out" as they say. Teaching children to have an open-mind and broaden their horizons through music is a great calling, I believe. Dont get me wrong, I dont think I'm some miracle-worker and I'm going to change every child's life. But why do I find it so important to simply be a friend to a child who doesn't have a friend. To be a mother, to a child who doesn't have one. And teach a child something they may have never learned in a regular classroom. I believe that music can benefit a life so much. I'm proof of that. I just want to share the joy of music that's in me. I want children to enjoy and appreciate music the way I do. Is that such a small and worthless endeavor?

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