Monday, April 11, 2011

Standards.... or the lack thereof.

Iv been writing a lot lately. Maybe because I finally have things to say. Or maybe I've always had things to say, just didn't regard them as important enough. That's kinda silly tho, because this is just a personal blog for my own gratification. Trying to please oneself is a weird concept. Why would anyone try to do that? I think the only time we need to 'approve' of ourselves is when we use other's standards to regard ourselves with. That's dumb, since we're all different. And what works for you, won't necessarily make sense to me. Like, I really like food, but some other people wouldn't ever admit to that because it's frowned upon. I like analyzing everything I say, so it seems like I'm talking to myself when I'm having a conversation with someone else, which I'm sure makes me seem schizophrenic. In fact, I love imagining Im schizophrenic, or blind, or deaf (which is near impossible to understand, since, I, in fact, can hear). I think most people would read this, and not wanna be friends with me. Then some others would "understand" and tell me I should just create my own standards. But, I dont know if I can do that, since there's not much 'new' out there. I would have the same standards as 'somone' out there. Maybe this is like almost everything else in life. One of those things that you have to find a balance for. Balance is a good word to describe my life.... hm, but thats for another blog another time. Haha, sometimes I get to the end of a post and forget what I'm talking about, so i can't wrap up nicely. This is one of those. As a 'writer', that troubles me. As a lazy college student who felt like going on and on, then leaving, it's ok. So yeah...